
Journey's Beginning

Hello there! I'm Harold, the person who kickstarted the journey of Fasan Coffee. With over two decades in the digital innovation industry, my daily ritual always involved a comforting cup of coffee. About ten years ago, I decided to take my relationship with coffee a step further. The deeper I delved, the more I was captivated by the myriad of flavors and stories each bean held. And I thought, why not share these delightful tales with others?

Passion in Every Sip

Coffee, for me, is more than just a brew. It's about memories, experiences, and connections. Over the years, I've been fortunate to meet a diverse group of coffee lovers. Some are seasoned aficionados, while others have just been starting their caffeinated journey. Many have a simple understanding of coffee - a functional beverage to kickstart the day. But specialty coffee? It's an entirely different realm. It's an art, a science, and above all, a passion. 

This passion has led to the inception of Fasan Coffee. Our vision is simple: to create a space where everyone, regardless of their coffee knowledge, can dive into the world of coffee without any pretense or complication. Whether you're beginning with a drip bag or experimenting with a clever dripper, we're here to guide and celebrate each brewing milestone with you.

Why "Fasan"?

Fasan is my ever-curious cat. His spirit of exploration and relaxation embodies what I envision for Fasan Coffee: a journey into the vast world of coffee, but with the laid-back essence of a cat basking in the sun.

But Fasan Coffee isn't just about beans. We dream of building a community, where we not only share our love for coffee but also introduce you to various roasters, the unique cultures of their cities, and their individual roasting philosophies.

Be a Brew Explorer!

Want to be a part of this flavorful voyage? Join us on our social media platforms - Instagram and Facebook. And if you're new to brewing or just looking for some tips, don't forget to check out our Brewing 101 article. 

Welcome to Fasan Coffee - where every cup tells a story. Let's brew these tales together.